After we help you discover what you want, we'll work together to find the very best way of achieving it. Websites nowadays need a steady stream of new content to keep relevant, and that content needs to be spread around social media to drive new traffic. It's a time consuming task, but required for a successful online identity for your business. Luckily, mediachimps has years of experience and a number of plans to provide quality service.
As a Google Partner, we know that there’s no point having a chimp-tastic website if nobody’s going to see it. That’s why we craft our websites around relevant content that gets you noticed.
We make sure that search engines such as Google and Bing can find your website, increasing visibility and generating the best results.
The most important part of a paid search campaign is that someone keeps an eye on how people are responding to your adverts.
We’ll constantly analyse your campaigns to make sure you’re getting the best possible results for your money.
The quickest way to get your website to the top of Google is through a paid search campaign. We can help you gain new customers through our AdWords service so you can start benefiting from high ranking and the resultant traffic increase.
Everybody’s using social media these days and everyone knows how quickly a brand can spread across the internet. To give your business the best chance of this happening, we’ll make sure your brand is displayed consistently across your social media profiles.
When you sign up with mediachimps, you sign up for our powerful management system. This includes the ability to look at insights - such as how many people are visiting your website and even what pages they're looking at. That way, you can see what is and isn’t working for your site. Remember - a website is never finished!