When a user comes across your website, typically, the first page they will see is your homepage.
This is why your homepage is incredibly important.
It has to look great and have quality content, but there are some features you should include which may help your bounce rate.
Your logo
Nice and simple.
This shows them who you are, any pre-existing reputation and visibility can be linked to your website through your logo and branding in general.
Simply having your logo visible isn't the only issue, placement matters.
You want your logo to be visible on the homepage, somewhere that it'll draw attention and be noticed, but not distract from the main contents.
Most web designers put it in the header, usually to the left or in the center.
This is because it is noticeable, but doesn't draw too much attention.
It's also best practice to link your logo to your homepage.
This is so that users can easily navigate back to the homepage if they get lost, simply by clicking on your logo.
Strong headline
Next up is your headline.
Your headline is the big bit of text at the top of any web page, if you are using an image and text it is often called the 'Hero'.
The headline is the first bit of copy that a user will see, ultimately dictating whether they stay on your website or not.
You want the viewer to have a good idea of who you are and what you do within the first couple of seconds of seeing your homepage.
The most effective way to portray this is a strong headline.
You should keep it short, but still punchy.
Nobody will take in a full paragraph at first glance, so a sentence or two is your best option.
Keep these words in mind: clear, simple, and impactful.
Natural navigation
They're on the home page, great start.
But you want them to explore and learn more, right?
The navigation bar is the main way users will make their way around your website, so don't overcomplicate it.
You want to establish a natural path for users to follow if they wish to learn about your business.
The end goal will always be a conversion, so you want them to end up on a contact or checkout page in the end.
Make it easy for them to get there, using CTA's (call to action), page linking, and a clear navigation bar.
Page linking can also be referred to as 'breadcrumbing', it's the action of leading users from one page to another without them having to think or consider it too much.
As mentioned above, a CTA is a call to action.
The most common CTA's you will see are things like:
You get the gist.
Text or buttons with a link to a page where the user can make a conversion, the name is self-explanatory.
You are calling them to take an action, an action you wish for them to take on your website.
A good CTA will be eye-catching and attention-grabbing, so the design should be thought out well.
Having a CTA on the home page is helpful for those who already know your website, they could be revisiting or know you from social channels, etc.
If there's a button to take them where they need to go, it saves them navigating and making their way through.
Social media links
On the topic of social channels...
Having social media presence is incredibly important for brand reputation and visibility.
You want to build trust with your website users, so social channels can solidify your identity and build that trust that you need.
You may showcase your products online, previous customers may have left reviews and be following you.
There's a whole range of things that can be found on social media that will show that you're real and trusted.
There are so many websites now that have malicious people behind them, especially in the eCommerce market.
Visitors want to feel safe and the best way to do this is to let them see what other, real people are saying.
Reviews can be fabricated on a website, so seeing real people online makes users feel at ease.
If you need help with web design and development for your business, get in touch with our chimps and see how we can help!